Revocable Living Trusts

We receive lots of questions about Revocable Living Trusts. Most people have heard about them but them actually understand little about them. A Revocable Living Trust is a legal document that includes instructions regarding what should be done with your assets when you die. Now, you may be thinking — isn’t that what a Will does? Yes, that’s exactly what a Will does, however, the key different between a Will and a Trust is that a Trust prevents the assets in the Trust from being […]

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Estate Recovery

Henry and Marge Smith have lived on their family farm in Kansas for over forty years. Recently, Henry suffered a stroke and was told by his doctor he needed nursing home care. “Finding a nursing home is not the problem,” Marge says when she comes to your office. “There is a nursing home in town where my parents lived for several years. Our family was very happy with the care they received. My concern is finding the money to pay for his care.” She starts […]

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